Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You girls rock my world.

I know I shouldn't be affected by all the negativity and be brought down by the disappointment that taunts me ever so often. However, there are even times where I feel like that hard shell of supposed 'happiness' portrayed will crack into a million pieces, leaving me vulnerable and helpless fending for myself against all the hidden enemy that refused to show itself. 

While having a nice chat at a (very) nice cafe over some drinks and mushrooms (not magic mushrooms, in case your eyebrows were raised in shock), the topic we touched on was why do we fall for the same type of people who always make us miserable. There is always a trend on the people we end up with and I myself preach to my bestie of her inclination towards a certain type of boys. Little did I know that I myself am a victim of it as well. 

I like helping people in need. It makes me happy when others smile because of the things I do for them. Although it is short-term happiness, it is better than having nothing at all. 


What about mine?

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