Monday, January 31, 2011

5 more days.

It was a really dull day yesterday. Catching up on my well-needed sleep and then dinner with my mum together with my brothers made me feel like a bum. Why, I couldn't even go for my run as it was raining cats and dogs. Drat the rain. The florescent lighting in my room definitely does not give me any kind of tan (nor Vitamin E for that matter). Sadly, my dark hair accentuates my pallor, making me look even more anemic than usual. Sigh. Rain, please go away.
Photos credited to Ann He

Depressive state aside, my interest was piqued with the news of Japanese dearth of young children/adults and basically the idea of marriage in the young adults in general. The effects of Japan's once lauded seniority-based pay and the generalist view on education and work has shown its horns now especially with the problems of brain drain and increasing number of 'freeters'. Almost half of the university graduates could not obtain nor secure a permanent job due to the delayed career progression and lack of recognition of efforts by higher management. As such, many survive by doing part-time jobs that does not require them to pay much to the pension fund.

As perplexing is Japan's problems of the aging population coupled with the population dearth, I find that the main problem lies in its inherent conformist culture. With my mum being Japanese, she herself does not want to stand out and prefers to blend in the crowd. She worries about what others think, sometimes to her own detriment. If I may say so, I think it is just the fear of being different and fear of change. Conforming too much to others' needs and preferences will just lead to a situation where everything will reach a plateau, isn't it? Constantly changing political leaders (Let's see how long the Kan administration lasts), a penchant for hanging on to their past legacy and successes and fear of drastic change. I worry for the outcome of their flimsy economic policies as half of my family is there. If only there are people in that society who can break the political and social boundaries and implement the changes no matter how taboo they are in that conformist society can Japan be the superpower it was before.

How is Rome? Even though you are a walking human heater, do remember to keep yourself warm and enjoy the picturesque sights for me there, alright? At least you can bring me to the best places when we can go there together someday. :)

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