Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All that running around and late nights doing those reports has taken a toll on my health. I thought my immune system was omnipotent as falling sick is a rarity for me. Plagued with a cough and blocked nose every day, I just realized that I am human after all.

Pardon me for digressing but I have always pondered about this issue.

The human body. 
Is it an empty vessel where the soul park his/her soul during their time on Earth?
Or are these two inseparable from one another?

One quote that got me thinking was from the novel Eleven Minutes written by Paulo Coelho. In one diary entry of Maria's, the protagonist in the story who is a native Brazilian girl who in a bid to achieve her dreams of traveling around the world to feed her desire for worldly knowledge ended up working as a prostitute in the land of high-quality watches and chocolates called Switzerland, a sentence uttered by her piqued my interest.

"I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul that has a visible part called the body."

My interpretation of this statement is that the body is just a repository and inanimate object allowing the soul to live. My parents has always preached to me, "Your soul will live on even though your body is rotten and decomposed as it is the essence of who you are." 

However, it seems like mine is a confused being. I ask so many questions. Some get answered albeit in a vague manner, some were just left conveniently unanswered. Knowledge is an extremely powerful thing to possess. Acting like a double-edged sword, it empowers as well as isolates a person. The common adage some people use is "Ignorance is bliss". But is it really that simple? Doesn't showing nonchalance to things that makes one uncomfortable just a defense mechanism to protect ourselves from hurt and pain? Self-deception. 

Soul. Body. Confidence. 

These are the three essential elements to survive in this world. Each reinforces the other so strongly that I call them the triplets of life. At least, it applies for my life. If I need to do something which I have to but do not want to such as attending a party when I am not feeling well, I use the Body and Confidence while keeping the Soul in the bedroom. When I am competing or mugging for an important exam, if all three elements are utilized, success is assured. 

Now that is a tricky subject. 
Risk is part and parcel of it.

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