Saturday, January 22, 2011


I will running my first race in a very long time this afternoon. Even though I know that I should not hold any expectations on my performance, I just can't help but feel the jitters. Stomach churning, excitement as well as anxiety brewing within me and the heavy breathing as I hone my breathing technique before all races are some of the things I subconsciously do when no one is looking. My legs are itching to go while my body seemed to be in inertia, insisting that competitive days are over and that I should rest, especially when I have been coughing and sneezing for the past week. 

Looking at the picture above made me reminisce those fun (and painful) days of being a competitive runner. I loved the adrenaline rush of running fast and just pushing myself to the limit. Feeling the exhaustion seep into one's body and the energy sapped out of one's arms and legs is an awesome feeling to have. All because I know that I was courageous enough to risk going beyond that physical and psychological boundary I initially thought was impossible. 

So. Note to self. Go and grab that feeling again as you have nothing to lose. 

Run Meg Run.

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