Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am too fat. I feel like s*** today. Not a bad hair day again! I hate my chubby cheeks. I wish I can be prettier like (.....).

Sounds familiar?

I guess I am not the only girl who feels this way. Even the most confident girl must have faced some inferiority complex at one moment in time of her life. Is it normal then to feel so ... inadequate?

Perfection is what we strive for. But we do not always get it. Girls are so caught up with what people think of them that they get really paranoid and do all sorts of nonsensical stuff such as exercising excessively, dieting to the point of starvation, bulimia, anorexia etc. You name it, we did it (well at least one of it). However, the satisfaction is always short-lived. Why, the convoluted thoughts will manifest in itself and magnify each and every one of her faults to a unconscionable extent, worsening the physical damage upon herself.


Credits to Maggie Harrison
My dear friend out there; You are beautiful just the way you are.

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