Friday, November 26, 2010

Of kinship & dreams

Ali Cavanaugh - Falling Through Your Redolence

I guess whenever one feels under the weather, they tend to dream more in slumber. Unfortunately, it tends to be more horrifying rather than those cotton-candy dreams that can cause one to suffer from cavities. Fortunately for me, I do not have a habit of remembering them. So waking up in cold sweat in the middle of a rainstorm in the dark and realizing I was all alone at home should have made me scared. On the contrary, I was comforted. It is during this solitude that bad memories are evaluated and good memories are savoured.

Something rare happened tonight. My brother and I had a good two hour long chat about numerology, past relationships and our future paths in life. Astrology was so entrenched in the conversation that the feeling was akin to that of being in the same tent as a fortune teller. Gemini and Aries talk aside, I realized how much calmer and wiser he has become. He seems to be armed with this newfound worldliness within him that was absent before. In many ways than one, he has taught me various things about life and myself that I never knew existed. In other words (though I have never mentioned it), thank you for being the voice of reason and all the seeds of knowledge you have embedded in me. No matter how much my stubbornness consumes me, I will still remember how much he cares such as the time when instead of choosing to walk and playing with his friends, he boarded the school bus again to accompany his crying little sister home during her first day of primary school. :)

1 comment:

  1. And when we wake up, we can only struggle to make sense of the dream. However, i believe it can only provide one with insights on our inner selves and emotional state of mind. :/
